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I'm stuck at the boobs password thing I've ried numerous numbers but nothing has work someone help me



Thank you so much :D

(1 edit)

I'm stuck trying to find what adam wanted me to fight. I checked every dungeon and the half formed one but found nothing!

Come to the discord, we have the guide

How do I get to Dungeon 4? Maybe I'm stupid, but it seems I'm stuck at 3 :(


Oh wait nvm just got there

How do I stop people from doing homework though? That's the real problem lmao

Talk to people around campus to unlock the maid dungeon

I'm stuck at the principal thing :(

any tips to beat the game

I heard that the maid combo is very good, but very slow. Otherwise, focus on red/pink cards, I like them. They are fast. 

If you ever played magic the gathering, I use the same colors. Red for fast, white for heal/defense, green for strong, blue for control, black for debuffs. Granted, I made this before MTG Arena was a thing... I should have given you a deck of all colors at the start because different players like different things. 


thx I juat asked because I am bad at card games in general  I really appreciate it though

How do I get all outfits?

how I can defeat the dj? 

good card combo. Try having a lot of white cards that heal you and deal damage. Or a lot of red cards that just deal damage

Deleted 1 year ago
Deleted 1 year ago

on your tfgame sites post it mentions you had problems with rpg maker mv and killed your patience with this game. does that mean you gave up on the concept? my complains about this game so far is the ninja compulsion is too annoying tried to do work but twice in a row it made me gossip wasting time. deck customization is a hassle since clothing forces 10 cards on you, I feel being able to replace cards would of been better. it's annoying to try to keep track of what crystals you sync with and their benefits so maybe something to show what your resistances is would of been nice could of put in status since that didn't seem to have much use. guidance was kinda bad too went through a week before I realized that you could go to the right and left after beating the first boss and finding out what is going on is a little too obtuse everyone and everything is pointing to mind controlled students to do homework but you can only proceed if you talk to one student. worse part of combat is realizing you need to click a single button to end it when everything else is done by keyboard. I do like the story for the most part cypher is cute. The artwork is alright I think it would be interesting to see how it improves in your later works. I'm not sure why people are leaning towards cards for combat in games but I did like the going feral artwork even through I never used the card since it would k.o. me in most combat. the twist I didn't expect was what the green hair girl's motivates were which it where I stopped. I also like the design of the school earlier rpg maker games in non fantasy settings tended to make things too big or poorly designed but your maps seem about the right size disregarding their is no exit to the outside world. I feel I like your game enough to try the sequel.


There is a sequel:

Thanks for the deep analysis. The problem was that I coded it very poorly, so implementing things further was a chore. 


your game has the virtual reality tag, which is used for games which have a VR mode or are only for VR, requiring a VR headset. it doesn't seem like your game has either so I thought I would tell you


Ah. Its not for the virtual reality setting? Noted, will remove it


Is there going to be girldick in any of these games?

Technically yes? MC is a dickgirl in OU-R (late game) and PW (early game). One of the images of PW shows MCs dick. So yes?

Is there also a way to not become a dickgirl, perchance?

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There will be a way to become a full girl. But you start as a boy then gain breasts, hence dick girl.

EDIT: in OU-R is actually really easy to become a girl iirc. Just lose to a boss. 

If you lose to a boss, does that mean that it's only for a scene before you get a game-over, or do you stay as a female and can keep playing as one?

Keep playing as a female. It was controversial at the time, thats why in PW you get to be a dick girl longer. But if you want to play mostly as a full female, them play OU-R.